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Kas fes Tin

Kas fes Tin


100g Empty Coffee Bean Tin tuaj yeem ntim nrog Valve

2024-08-05 IB

Tshawb peb 100g kas fes taum tin tuaj yeem nrog lub valve, zoo tagnrho rau kas fes, tshuaj yej, txiv ntoo, thiab zaub mov tsiaj. Ua los ntawm cov zaub mov qib tinplate, customizable nrog CMYK luam ntawv. Ncaj nraim los ntawm cov chaw tsim khoom rau cov nqi lag luam wholesale thiab xa khoom sai.

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250g Airtight Coffee Bean Tin Food-Grade Packaging with Degassing Valve


Meta Description: Tshawb xyuas peb 250g kas fes tin, tsim rau kas fes taum ntim nrog airtight sealing thiab degassing valve. Customizable loj, xim, thiab luam ntawv xaiv. Zoo meej rau khaws cia kas fes freshness thiab muaj nyob rau ntawm cov lag luam wholesale tus nqi nrog ceev ceev.

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Square Coffee Beans Airtight Tin Tau ntim 500g

2024-06-17 dr hab

Tshawb nrhiav peb cov hwm Square Coffee Beans Airtight Tin Can Ntim, muaj nyob rau hauv 500g peev. Customizable nrog koj lub logo, xaiv los ntawm ntau qhov ntau thiab tsawg: 100g, 150g, 200g, 500g, 1kg. Crafted nrog tinplate ruaj khov thiab nruab nrog hlau ntsia hlau hau thiab kas fes degassing li qub.

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Kev cai 200g Round Tinplate Kas fes Tin Tau rau kas fes taum

2024-05-09 IB

Nrhiav kev cai 200g round tinplate kas fes tin poom rau ntim koj cov taum kas fes? Peb cov tin poom, ua los ntawm cov khoom siv tinplate ruaj khov, tuaj yeem hloov kho nrog koj lub logo thiab tuaj nyob rau hauv ntau yam xim. Tau txais cov qauv dawb hnub no!

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200g Empty Metal Rectangular Coffee Tin Can with Degassing Valve

2024-04-23 IB

Freshness khaws cia nrog degassing valve, airtight foob.

Customizable tsim, eco-phooj ywg tinplate. Sturdy, chaw txuag chaw.

Txhim kho koj qhov kev paub kas fes

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Kas fes Tin Tau 100g nrog Degassing Valve

2024-06-17 dr hab

Tshawb nrhiav peb lub thawv kas fes tin, zoo meej rau 100g ntawm koj nyiam kas fes taum. Qhov dawb square tin tuaj yeem ntim nrog lub valve yog qhov zoo tagnrho rau kev siv lag luam wholesale, muab kev ua haujlwm ntev, kev hloov kho, thiab tshiab rau koj cov khoom kas fes.

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